welcome to sugarangel, my corner of the web! have a look around!


welcome to sugarangel, a personal site! the webmaster made this site in order to express themselves, and as an outlet for their love for design and the old web! it's a place to dump all of their interests into, that they enjoy. this site was inspired by webcore, san-x, and various other things!

this site is subject to change, as it is constantly being revamped to suit the webmaster's aesthetic choices. make sure to come back every once in a while to see the site grow and develop! also... perhaps sign the webmaster's guestbook? ;) keep reading for faq...

FAQ (sort of):

Q: what inspired you to start coding?

A: i had seen a few friends of mine join neocities, and i decided to check it out one day and i fell in love with how creative people are, and how cool the old web is!

Q: what is your site's theme?

A: the site's theme could be considered "webcore," or if u ever owned a DS... it's kinda inspired by pictochat lmao. im not sure what term to use rn but i love stuff like san-x, q-lia, and different styles of harajuku, japanese street fashion, and it's subcultures. (think gyaru, lolita, etc.) those could be the general theme of the site.

Q: how long have u been coding for?

A: barely a year lmao. don't expect too much, im still learning


credits to purinland for the fake advertisements, as well as being a source of inspiration for my site!

scrolling text/images

strawberry bullet: firstfear on dA



9/13 : finished about me section and added more cliques

9/11 : finished layout & homepage, currently looking for more cliques to add to the cliques section.

8/30-9/5 : changed layout on home page, changed font to "pocket", added webrings and edited first center box

8/29 : changed bullets on left sidebar, added text banners

8/22 : added second sidebar for webrings

8/17 : completed site button and center div

8/14-8/16 - finished work on sidebar and began working on main page

8/10/22 : began work on links + sidebar!

8/22 : started up work on the site!

4/22 : created site


home about diary art links shrines toybox

neocities profile
